An average Californian throws away 6.7 pounds of trash a day! However, at the same time, the State of California aims to reduce individual waste to 2.7 pounds per person per day.

So Californians, it’s time to talk trash and get down to business about lessening this wide gap!

Firstly, there’s got to be some change on the streets. That’s where we believe JunkJunkys comes in. We stand on the periphery of consumerism as professional waste sentinels, controlling what wastes return to the environment and what gets donated, reused, or recycled.

We take our junk removal job with utmost seriousness, considering the well-being of the environment depends on it.

It is more than our job. It is our duty! Therefore, with these sentiments in mind, we invite you to look at how JunkJunkys can help you donate, reuse, and recycle instead of creating more landfills.

  1. JunkJunkys Donate First

Let’s get this out of the way first. We’d rather donate unwanted but useful goods than jam up landfills with them.

San Diego produced 400,360 tons of waste in 2019, according to CalRecycle. The same year 42.2 million tons of junk from California was put to rest in landfills—out of the state!

With a recycling rate of just 37%, plenty of useful items find their way to the landfill when they could be of better use in someone’s home. In comparison, more than a third of California state skims the poverty level.

So, do you see the remedy? We most certainly do.

Our junk removal service believes in donating what our clients don’t need, want, use, have too much of, don’t like, etc. So whenever you turn up with junk removal requests, we think: whose lucky day is it going to be?

Building material, furniture, clothes, electronics—you name it, and we know a center or a charity that can make good use of it.

We’re not only salvaging perfectly useable goods and helping those who can’t afford them to find useful stuff, but we’re also saving the environment.

  1. Outsource Recycling

Recycle clothes, cans, metals, water, plastic, paper, and electronics.

California has a 75% recycling goal which the government hoped to achieve by 2020. The state, however, has a present recycling rate of 40%. Despite these numbers, the Golden State is unique in its recycling program, far above the national average.

For instance, Californians pay extra for drink containers that come in large sizes. However, they can collect a refund if they drop the can off for recycling!

So, as recyclers, Californians are well ahead of the curve. And we’d like to keep it that way.

Segregate waste and send off those items that can be recycled to the concerned places in San Diego.

Remember that what can be recycled will be recycled.

  1. JunkJunkys Advises on Reusing

Remember ice-cream stick picture frames? But reusing doesn’t always have to be kitschy!

You can reuse items either for their original purpose or a number of different functionalities. For example, a coke can function as a toothbrush holder. Old jars can be used to store desserts. A divan can become a bookcase. A door can become a shelf. The possibilities are endless!

The most preferred area where we would like to see more reusing is in renovation and construction.

Reusing old building material to get a new look is a rewarding experience. At JunkJunkys junk removal, when our clients seek our expert advice, we suggest different ways of reusing their possessions, but if the owners have no further use for them, we know how to make the items available to those who would find it worthwhile.

While there is always an itch to live in an aesthetically pleasing environment, frequent home renovations use too much new material. What’s the alternative? Reuse old material, as garden renovator Amanda Grimes found out during 2020-2021.

There are plenty of home or garden renovators like her who work with the environment in mind. So, contact such people and reuse construction material.

  1. JunkJunkys Debates Upcycling

Upcycling is fun!

Reviving a worn-out old item and transforming it into something new is the equivalent of trash kintsugi. Furniture especially lends itself to upcycling projects better than most objects.

While most junk removal trips do yield some form of furniture, there is always a debate between donating them or upcycling them.

Donating is cheaper. However, upcycling can be a fun project to work on. A lick of paint, some bolts and screws, a little smoothing, and voila!

You have a perfectly good object again with just a little expense.

  1. JunkJunkys tries to Recover

Preventing perfectly good material from ending up in landfills is our second mission. Hence, we try to recover every piece of usable item from the junk that we haul. Donating what can be donated, reusing or upcycling the rest, we recover most of what we can from the junk removal haul.

This diligence pays off as we know that implies less going into landfills. We appeal to our clients to go through the junk or trash themselves and see what they can donate, reuse, recycle or upcycle.

Leave the rest to the best junk removal service nearby —JunkJunkys!

In conclusion, we’d like to highlight California’s trash problem getting out of hand, as witnessed in Los Angeles.

There has been a rise in illegally dumped waste in the City of Stars.? City of Angels?

Workers have picked up 16,000 tons of illegally dumped waste in 2019.

Hence, we ask our readers, search for “junk removal near me” instead of tossing waste willy nilly. All junk needs to go through a segregation process to ensure that California and San Diego fulfill the 3R goals the State has set.





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