If work is worship, then we think the workspace is its temple! Time to spruce up this sacred nook to bolster efficiency and productivity.

If you wish to be more productive and creative at your work, getting rid of a messy workstation is the first step. To start with, did you notice that unwashed coffee-mug-in-a-corner-for-weeks, it’s a ‘Clear sign of disrespect’ for your temple.

Emitting negative juju and frustratingly disorganized vibes, the workspace can begin resembling an overflowing dumpster instead of a professional Shangri-La, brimming with ideas and solutions.

We firmly believe “to each his own”, but there are good reasons in support of a tidy workspace.

Why is an Organised Workspace Good for You?

  • An organized workspace, decluttered and tidy, helps you focus on one thing—the task at hand.
  • Reduced stress from the cleanliness of a desk can help thoughts flow faster.
  • Having a place for everything and making them “findable” boosts efficiency.
  • An organized workspace indicates the person is on top of his/her work.
  • Clutter-free work areas help boost the overall productivity of an office.

So giddy-up! Check out some guaranteed tips for an organized workspace that boosts productivity!

Step 1 – Take apart, then put back

Suppose you haven’t done a “BIG PURGE” in a long time. Schedule it this weekend!

No matter the size of your office, whether a whole room or a single desk, it’s time to clean it up.

Here’s what needs to go:

  • Broken/unused/extra furniture or gadgets
  • Unimportant papers like hotel bills, slips, etc.
  • Items that don’t spark joy
  • Stationery that has seen better days
  • General clutter
  • Books, binders, gadgets on the desk

Once you’ve cleaned your desk, here’s what you can put on it:

  • Laptop
  • Notepad/Diary/Journal
  • Phone
  • One picture or object for inspiration.

Then, proceed to organize the rest of the area. Purge with the intensity of the French peasants during the revolution. Free yourself from every useless or unrequired thing.

Call in a junk removal company near you to carry away the rubbish!

Step 2 – Organise the inbox and files

You probably use email, a calendar, and a file system to store your documents and data. These need to be organized according to a system that works for you.

Unsubscribe from the promotional email you don’t want to read and delete useless mails. Use Priority mode on Gmail and create filters to segregate your email.

Set up a folder system by yearmonthday and organize your files and projects accordingly. For physical files, invest in colorful binders and punch the paperwork into them.

This task should take up most of the day, yet it will make everything “findable”. Also, if required, install shelving for the books, binders, and other project essentials.

Step 3 – Use wall space efficiently

Wall space is the most underutilized aspect of a work area. If you can, install a soft board or a piece of felt cut-out and use it to pin to-do lists, ideas, reminders, deadlines, and notes.

Alternatively, you can use chalkboard paint and create a space for the same.

Nail in little pegs for keys. Use magnets to pin things.

Use whiteboards on larger walls for meeting demos, monthly targets, schedules, etc. To spark creativity and team spirit, hang thought-provoking pictures or inspirational quotes.

These help relax the thinking machine in your head!

Tip 4 – Wired up for work

‘Wires, wires everywhere, untangle yourselves in this lair!’

If only you could use that spell to maintain a workstation free of tangled wires.

Do the next best thing. Organize your work lair in a way that you don’t trip over wires. Excess length needs to be wrapped up in cable ties and organized.

If you are a Luddite, label every cord with its functionality and name so you can either fix future problems yourself or explain it better to the IT guy at the time of troubleshooting.

Use power strips and tuck them away neatly in a corner. Take the help of adhesive to guide the path for every wire so that they don’t create potential hazards.

In addition, USBs, dongles, and other accessories like mouse, headphones, earphones, speakers, can get their own bag or drawer.

Tip 5 – Choosing the right colors, furniture, and layout

If productivity is your goal, there are some tricks you can borrow from the world of psychology. Completely backed up by experiments, of course!

Choosing the right colors for your room is the first tip.

  • Red says passion or energy
  • Browns or earth tones denote stability
  • Yellow reflects team spirit and happiness
  • Blue promotes productivity
  • Green helps people relax

A 2011 study showed that people liked ergonomically contoured furniture offering maximum comfort. Curved décor gives the sense of a more relaxed atmosphere. Straight lines suggest a degree of formality that hampers creativity.

Lastly, focus on layout. Ideally, you should face an open window with good natural lighting and airflow.

Maintaining your Freshly Organized Workspace!

A tidy space reflects a clear mind. While cleaning is one job ticked off, keeping it that way has its challenges!

Here’s what you can do to maintain a workspace until the next “BIG PURGE”.

  • Spend the first ten minutes of your day putting everything back in its place.
  • Trash paper and items quickly, as soon as possible.
  • Clean space with wipes every weekend.
  • New projects get a new folder.
  • Purge in spring and autumn only.

Numbers to Make You Rethink that “Mess Is Good” Attitude

We’ll leave you with some numbers on workspace organization that will inspire you to get started!

Here’s what a survey by P-Touch, had to say –

  • 87% of surveyed people said a cluttered space hampers productivity.
  • 86% of people said a cluttered work area reflects poor professionalism.
  • 80%  said a messy person is like a rotten apple that spoils the whole bunch.
  • 57% of Americans say they negatively judge clutter in a coworker’s workspace.

So if you want to appear poised to take on the world, remember your workspace reflects your mind!

Do not forget to dispose of the junk in a responsible way and hire a junk removal company for professional junking and hauling services. If you are anywhere close to San Diego county, search “junk removal service near me” and contact Junk Junkys for eco-friendly junk removal of waste items.

Tidy up and get set go!

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