For many Californians, having a garage can be a necessity and a blessing. Unfortunately, not unlike the attic, the garage can be a space that becomes a dump-fest. We didn’t like the sound of that, so we thought of some ways to organize the garage that will keep it clean for a long time.

Instead of tiptoeing your way around in the garage, you can use the space for your car, your tools, and other handy items that you need.

Organized and tidy, your garage won’t pose a hazardous problem if it has been spruced up.

So check out these 10 ways for a sparkling and tidy garage!

Just a minute, though! Remember that for all the junk removal from your garage, call Junk Junkys. We’ll haul it away!

Let’s start!

  1. Clear out the whole garage

Do nothing halfway! Clear the whole garage out and leave its contents on the lawn or either side of the driveway. Then separate everything into two piles:  “keep” and “discard” Ask your whole family to pitch in with the task, as you don’t want to be guilty of removing anything without their consent!

  1. Clean the garage floor

If you haven’t cleaned your garage in a long time, this is the perfect time to get started on the floor. First, all the grime, grit, and mud needs to be wiped away. Then, wash the garage floor. This might be the only time you’ll find the whole floor exposed, so it deserves a special soap and water treatment. Finally, call a junk removal service to remove the excess rubbish that you don’t need.

  1. Sort through the piles

Once you have pulled out everything, it is time to separate your piles into two. One should be the “keep” pile, and the other should be the “discard” pile. Everything that you had no idea existed should be thrown out responsibly.

Also, old and broken things need to be removed as they have no further use. If, however, you can repair some of these items, do so at the earliest. The remaining pile will be your “junk” pile, and you need a junk removal service to help you tackle these unwanted items.

  1. Divide your garage into “zones”

You may have tools, garden equipment, and old furniture in your garage. That’s just a guess. Now, create zones out of your garage. For instance, the gardening section, the tools section, the old furniture section. Similarly, segregate your items into these zones. When you put them back, make sure you stick to the correct “zone”.

  1. Invest in the right shelves, hooks, and other equipment

After you have sorted, divided, and organized all the items and are ready to put everything back, it’s time to buy the right shelving and units. Everything that needs to go back must have a designated place. Hence, you will need the right shelving, wall tacks, hooks, boxes, etc., to create the ultimate “zone”. A junk removal company can help remove broken and unwanted furniture.

  1. Donate what you don’t need

If you have many items that you don’t need, think of donating them instead of searching for a “junk removal near me”. Donating is a better way to ensure that someone can use your items rather than sending them to the landfill. Moreover, donating to the needy certainly helps you feel better as a human.

  1. It’s not Feng Shui, it’s convenience!

When you mark out your garage into zones, remember to arrange all the items in a way that they are exposed, visible, and easy to access. While you don’t need to follow old rules of building or decoration, arrange things such that the garage becomes a convenient place for you!

Keep everyday items in a box by the door. Keep the ones you use on the weekends towards the back and the ones you use rarer than that right behind these items. That way, you won’t waste time reaching out and grabbing for something. Junk Junkys, a junk removal company, will help you get rid of those items you can’t find a place for!

  1. Every item should have a place

Good organizers should envision! They should know that items don’t get thrown into a clutter, but they get a place, a home, an abode!

It’s the same trick with any organization, no matter the room. Moreover, a garage tends to suck in the house’s extra rubbish and hold it indefinitely for years to come. To prevent that, invest in dividers, pockets, and boxes to keep shelves, drawers, and other furniture well organized.

  1. Find alternative storage

Don’t make the garage a dumping ground for the extra rubbish in your home. So if you don’t want it in your home, why are you saving it in your garage? Instead, get rid of the clutter from your garage by calling the best junk removal in San Diego!

Also, make adequate use of the shed, attic, and other areas of your house for storage.

  1. If garden tools are in the garage

Sometimes, keeping the gardening stuff in the garage may cause a lot of problems! For example, tools to dig up mud might interfere with your plans to have a clean floor. With a large wheeled bin, you can avoid this problem. Instead, store all your gardening tools in it. That way, when you need the tools, all you have to do is wheel them out!

These were some of our tips to help spruce up your garage! Hope you find these helpful.

For any junk removal services, contact Junk Junkys!


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